Chris Hale IP Law

Canadian Intellectual Property Firm.

Intellectual property (IP) – including trademarks, copyrights and patents – permeates every aspect of the daily lives of ordinary persons. When you listen to a podcast or a music download, watch a movie or read a novel, you are utilizing copyright works. When you purchase a smart phone, a sailboat or a samosa, you encounter and rely upon the trademarks of manufacturers and retailers. Patented technologies enable the production and delivery of things as complex as jet aircraft and vaccines, and as simple as fabric softener sheets and cookies.

The name of your business, the goods you manufacture, the services you provide, the creative works you author, exhibit and sell – all of these embody intellectual property. Our goals are to help you understand what IP you already have, or may acquire; and to assist you to better preserve, protect and gain value from your intellectual property. In short, we will help you as you Take Control of Your IP - Get a GrIP™.


Contact Information
(416) 262-5861

Get in Touch

If you’d like more information about any services or how various practice areas relate to you or your business, contact Chris at or (416) 262-5861.